Sunday, 28 June 2009

Somebody cares

We have this amazing charity in Aberdeen called "Somebody Cares". It's basically a huge warehouse where people can drop off things they no longer need - sofas, furniture, clothes, toys etc.
People who really need help can be referred by their social worker or health visitor and then can go and help themselves to anything they need. Once a month, to pay the bills, the charity opens the warehouse to the public as a sale. You can pick up the most brilliant bargains and help the charity at the same time!
Last time I was there, I got these shelves;

They were only £2 each! I sanded them and painted them with those little tester pots, and ended up with these;

Nice, eh? Custom shelves for my little girl's room for a total cost of under a tenner!

Here we go!

I'm a stay at home mum in Scotland. I'm trying to find a part time job but in this current climate, jobs seem to be few and far between, especially for mums like myself, who can't be so flexible about working hours!
Anyway, this blog is to keep track of my often chaotic attempts to keep our heads above water. I do a lot of cooking from scratch, making our own clothes, making homemade gifts and reconstructing old things into new.
There will be recipes, tutorials and lots of photos. Come and join me as I try to take care of my kids, keep the house clean and still have a good time, all on a shoestring!